Generate Access Token for API




Retrieve the Identiq API Key from the Web UI Analytics Portal >> Admin Menu, in order to continue.

mock mode only

For using the mock Edge, please use the client ids below. for the client secrets, ask the relveant Identiq integration engineer / CSM.

  "data": {
    "clientId": "0oDh1rwkHUQnnh0UdJreL5FxrjPIP8Ea",
    "clientSecret": "XXX"
  "query": {
    "clientId": "mJ8ymkwLdnBJbBnF037H5An5nlefBX7V",
    "clientSecret": "XXX"


Access Token Expiration

It is recommended to cache the token for as long as possible, and create a new one only once the token expires.

To identify token expiration, you can either:

  • Process the exp claim value within the JWT file (recommended).
  • Process a 401 Unauthorized response.
  • Process the expires_in parameter returned within the response.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!