Account Sessions

The Session API event relates to the accounts' login activities, and associated data points. Additionally, it allows for updates related to the trust level of these assets, should the session state change due to risk indicators being identified.
The table below gives the various data points, and their description and possible values.

Data PointDescription
Update TimestampThe time and date of the update event
Account IDThe unique identifier which represents the user.
Session StatusThe state of the online activity.
This will allow Identiq to make decisions on the trust level of the monitored assets and its influence or participation within the vouching processes.
Via the ‘Session Status’ data point, members are able to update the network on trusted activities, or any risk indications which may have been discovered.
Identiq treats these indications with the utmost seriousness, and reacts immediately to any indication of this sort which arrives from members within the network. Depending on the type of indications, the instances and other parameters, Identiq will make decisions regarding participation in or exclusion from vouching and generating score alerts in case of queries from the network.
Possible Values include:

Ok - Used to indicate a valid session. May be used to update Identiq on sessions which were approved following a risk investigation or any form of suspension, and which have now been found to be valid.
fraud - Sessions which are suspected as fraud or were determined to be fraudulent.
Login TypesIndicates the type of user authentication performed.
Possible Values:
2FA - Two-Factor Authentication requires an additional login credential beyond just the username and password to gain account access. Getting that second credential requires access to something that belongs to the user, typically a mobile device.
Password - Password-based authentication. In which a user needs to match one credential to access.
OTP - One time password. A temporary, secure PIN code sent to a requesting user via SMS or email that is valid only for one session
Implicit - Used to obtain an access token to authorize requests without the need for explicit user login such as the entry of a password or OTP token. This authorization flow is best suited to applications running in environments that do not provide secure storage
Session IP AddressThe IP from which the session was activated
DeviceThe device from which the session was performed

* Please refer to Account API event details for more information about Device data points, including their structure and possible values