The account API event allows for updates related to the trust level, in case this changes due to risk indicators being identified.

Example of a new signup event:

        "account": {
            "email": {
                "address": "[email protected]",
                "verified": true
            "address": {
                "phone": {
                    "number": "155555555",
                    "country": "US",
                    "verified": true
                "streetAddress": {
                    "address1": "123 Woodfield Drive",
                    "address2": "PO-BOX 321"
                "firstName": "John",
                "lastName": "Doe",
                "city": "London",
                "region": "Barnet",
                "postCode": "44444",
                "country": "US"
            "accountId": "72c1fd9d-de6c-4593-a21f-b3218b417f6a",
            "ip": "",
            "dateOfBirth": "2000-02-22",
            "status": "ok",
            "timestamp": "2018-09-10T15:46:51Z"

Datapoints table

The below table describes the various data points, and their description and possible values. It only includes unique data points for the transactions data API (for common parameters, check query API data points table)

Data PointDescription
timestampThe time and date of the update event
statusThe current state of the account.
This will allow Identiq to make decisions on the trust level of the account and its influence or participation state within vouching processes.
Via the ‘ status’ data point, members are able to update the network on any change to the account trust level, or any risk indications which may have been discovered. Risk indicators might have arisen due to chargeback activities, suspicious monitoring alerts, or any other reasoning that led the fraud team to lower the trust level of the account.
Identiq treats these indications with the utmost seriousness and reacts immediately to any indication of this sort that arrives from members within the network. Depending on the type of indications, the instances, and other parameters, Identiq will make decisions regarding participation in or exclusion from vouching and from generating score alerts in the case of a query.
Possible Values are:
- ok
- fraud_blocked
- non_fraud_blocked

OK indicates a valid account. May be used to update Identiq on accounts that were reinstated following a risk investigation or any form of suspension, when the accounts have been determined to be valid and trusted.
fraud_blocked - Accounts that were blocked or suspended due to fraudulent reasons.
non_fraud_blcoked - Indicates the account is blocked or suspended due to nonfraudulent reasons such as policy, compliance, etc. Generally in these cases, the accounts will undergo an examination before (if possible) reinstatement.