Edge Server Overview and Specifications


Each member of the Identiq network installs their own hosted network node, called the
Identiq “Edge”. This is always privately hosted by the network member, either physically on
their premises or in a member’s cloud environment owned and managed by the network

Edge Network Diagram


The Identiq Edge is based on Kubernetes. It can be installed on cloud-based managed
Kubernetes or managed Kubernetes in an on-premise environment. The exact specification
will be defined as part of the system and data discovery processes.

  • Kubernetes distro and version - Identiq supports Kubernetes 1.19 and above using AWS EKS, Azure AKS, GCP GKE, or premise installation using RKE.
  • The cluster can be either a dedicated cluster (Identiq provides a Terraform module for provisioning), or an existing shared cluster.
  • The cluster exposes two endpoints (ingresses).
  • The following tables contain the VM specs needed for the Identiq Edge, with the exact number based on the data volume at the Edge.

Public Cloud

ComponentVM spec
VM spec
VM spec
# MachinesComments
DB (Managed)db.m6i.largeGeneralPurpose 2/1024db-custom-2-81921Normalized Database
Cache (Redis) /Elasticacher6i.large - r6i.12xlargeStandard_E4s_v4n2-custom-2-19200-ext1Based on the data volume
Core Identiq workloadsc6i.2xlargeStandard_F16s_v2c3-standard-83Based on the data volume

Private Cloud

ComponentVM spec# MachinesComments
DB (Postgres)2 vCPU/8 GiB1Required storage class
Cache (Redis)8 vCPU/64-256 GiB1Based on the data volume
Core Identiq workloads8 vCPU/16 GiB5Based on the data volume

vCPU must be an Intel/AMD x86 chip

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