Identiq API Authentication

API keys are security tokens that you use to access Identiq services.
The API key is installed automatically and assumes the security settings granted to the associated user in the Identiq Edge server.

Step 1 - Retrieve Identiq API Keys

Step 2 - Generate Access Token for Authentication

In order to authenticate through the Identiq API, you will need a client id and secret.
You can download your ID and secret via the Edge WEB UI Analytics Portal.

  1. Click the Admin tab.
  2. Click My Edge on the left-hand side navigation bar.
  3. Click on the Hamburger menu on the bottom right-hand side (3 lines).
  4. Click Download Client Credentials.

  1. A JSON file containing your credentials for AUTH request will be downloaded.

Example credentials file

Using the credentials provided, you can now continue to Token as a credential when calling the desired Identiq API.