
The Transaction API event relates to the accounts’ assets that have been used within its performed transactions. Additionally, it allows members to provide updates relating to the trust level of these assets if the transaction state has been changed due to risk indicators being identified or chargebacks that have been issued.

Example of a new transaction event

        "transaction": {
            "transactionId": "72c1fd9d-de6c-4593",
            "accountId": "72c1fd9d-de6c-4593-a21f-b3218b417f6a",
            "amount": 100,
            "currencyCode": "USD",
            "paymentMethod": {
                "cardBin": "666666",
                "cardLast4": "1234",
                "methodType": "credit_card"
            "billingAddress": {
                "phone": {
                    "number": "+155555555",
                    "country": "US",
                    "verified": false
                "firstName": "John",
                "lastName": "Doe",
                "streetAddress": {
                    "address1": "123 Woodfield Drive"
                "city": "London",
                "region": "Barnet",
                "postCode": "44444",
                "country": "US",
                "email": {
                    "address": "[email protected]",
                    "verified": true
            "shippingAddress": {
                "phone": {
                    "number": "+155555555",
                    "country": "US",
                    "verified": false
                "firstName": "John",
                "lastName": "Doe",
                "streetAddress": {
                    "address1": "123 Woodfield Drive"
                "city": "London",
                "region": "Barnet",
                "postCode": "44444",
                "country": "US",
                "email": {
                    "address": "[email protected]",
                    "verified": true
            "ip": "",
            "device": "cccc3482-4a31-4508-a964-3786948bc42b",
            "dateOfBirth": "2000-02-22",
            "status": "ok",
            "timestamp": "2018-09-10T15:46:51Z"


Following a successful update, you will receive an indication of the successful updated records count, as well as the Account unique identifiers that failed to be updated. Failure to update will usually be triggered due to illegal data structures or a lack of mandatory data points.

 "affectedRows": 2356,
 "invalidIds": [

Data Points table

The below table describes the various data points, and their description and possible values. It only includes unique data points for the transactions data API (for common parameters, check query API data points table)

Data Point. Description
timestampThe time and date of the update event
originalTimestampThe original event timestamp - in case of a transaction update like chargeback
statusThe current state of the transaction.
This will allow Identiq to make decisions on the trust level of the account assets and its influence on or participation state within vouching processes.
Via the ‘Transaction Status’ data point, members are able to update the network on any change to the transaction state, or any risk indications which may have been discovered. Risk indications might come from chargeback activities, suspicious monitoring alerts, or any other reasoning that led to an investigation of the transaction.
Identiq treats these indications with the utmost seriousness and reacts immediately to any indication of this sort that arrives from members within the network. Depending on the type of indications, the instances, and other parameters, Identiq will make decisions relating to participation in or exclusion from vouching and generating score alerts in case of queries from network members.

The possible values include:

ok - a completed valid transaction. May also be used to update Identiq on transactions that were approved following a risk investigation or any form of suspension, and which are now found to be valid. also includes chargeback transactions that were successfully disputed.

declined - Incomplete transactions for which payment or transaction approval was declined for any reason, either by the card issuer or by the member. Used when the more specific breakdown of risk_declined, and non_risk_declined cannot be mapped.

risk_declined - Transaction attempts that were declined for fraud-related reasons, either by the member, a 3rd party vendor, or the issuer.

non_risk_declined - Transaction attempts that were declined for nonfraud-related reasons, either by the member, a 3rd party vendor, or the issuer, such as policy or compliance reasons.

fraud - Indicates the transaction is currently identified as risky, due to a fraudulent chargeback event or any other fraudulent activity recognition, such as a decision by a fraud analyst.

If possible, it is recommended to supply a more specific indication that distinguishes between:

chargeback_fraud - Complete transactions that have received a credit card chargeback with a fraud-related reason code or the equivalent for different funding sources.

chargeback_non_fraud - Completed transactions that have received a credit card chargeback with a non-fraud-related reason code.

fraud_other - Completed transactions that were identified as fraud by a process other than a chargeback submission. for example a decision by a fraud analyst.

friendly_Fraud - Chargeback Transactions which were determined to be ‘friendly’ - purchased by the actual account owner, though the account requested to dispute the charge.

refund - Completed Payments that were approved to be refunded, due to the goods being damaged, mistakes or not arriving. Does not include when fraud is suspected.

uncompleted - Uncompleted transactions due to various non-fraud-related reasons, such as technical failure, shopping cart abandonment, etc.

Note that you may send multiple update events on transaction status if changes should occur.